Kumpulan novel asma nadia pdf
Kumpulan novel asma nadia pdf

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(4), 87-87. Deixis in modern linguistics and outside.

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The Study Of Deixis Used By The Main Character In The Iron Man 3 Movie Dialogue (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Brawijaya).ĭylgjeri, A., & Kazazi, L. Tanjung pinang: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Maritim Ali Haji.īramanta, B. Analisis Penggunaan Deiksis Tempat dan Waktu Dalam Novel Surga Retak Karya Syahmedi Dean. University of Babylon: College of Education for Human Sciences, 101(24), 113-132.Īrdiana, N. Pragmastylistics: The Integration of Pragmatics and Stylistics. PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education), 2(5), 622-627.Īl-Hindawi, P. An Analysis Deixis in Ridwan Kamil’S Speech at the Asia Africa Conference (KAA). English Education Journal, 9(4), 517-526.Īsmarita, A., & Haryudin, A.

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The Realization of Deixis in Students’ Writing at Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung. Scandinavia Publishing House.Īstria, A., Mujiyanto, J., & Rukmini, D. Finally, the most frequent deixis found in the short story is the person deixis, especially third-person deixis which indicates that the author of the short story used third-person point of view to convey his ideas in his short story. From the data analysis, 97 deixis were found in total with 65 data of person deixis, 4 data of place deixis, 4 data of time deixis, 14 data of social deixis, and 10 data of discourse deixis. The results reveal five kinds of deixis consisting of person, time, place, social and discourse deixis were used in the text. The steps which are used by the researchers are begun from reading, taking notes, analyzing, categorizing and then summarizing the data. The data of this study were collected from deictic words used in the short story.

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By using pragmastylistics theory, this research focuses on the type of deixis used by the author in presenting his story which is then used to reveal the language style of the literary text. This research applied the descriptive qualitative design. This study has purposes to analyze and describe the language style used by Hans Christian Andersen in his short story entitled 'A Little Match Girl' by using pragmatic aspects that are carried out by analyzing deixis components in the story text.

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